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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Extended hours at Mt Albert Main Library

Mt Albert Main Library will be open extended hours over the study and exam week period, from Saturday 2 November to Thursday 21 November

  • Monday - Thursday:  8am - 10pm
  • Friday : 8am - 7pm
  • Saturday and Sunday : 9am - 7pm

The other libraries’ hours and the Student Computer Centre hours are not being extended. Their hours will remain the same as during semester time.

See the library hours page for full details.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Be in to WIN at Unitec's Waitakere Library

Simply borrow a Unitec Library book from Level 2 of the Waitakere Library and go in the draw to WIN one of two Westfield vouchers. To enter follow these steps:
  1. Borrow a Unitec Library book from Level 2 - you will find these on the tall shelves at the east end of Level 2 in the Waitakere Library. 
  2. Put your due date slip into the box at the Library desk on Level 3
The winners will be drawn on Friday November 1st.

The Study Toolbox: Your New Tool for Success!

The new Study Toolbox is your one stop shop for assignment support. It can be accessed from the Current Students site, the Library's home page and from Moodle.

The new Unitec Study Toolbox is a quick and easy way to get the help you need without leaving your seat. It combines the Library and Te Puna Ako's content in one place that is available anywhere, at any time. 

Click here to view. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Learn how to use Endnote citation software

Who should attend? 
Postgraduate and third year undergraduate students, and Unitec staff.

When and where? - Pick one of these dates: 
Thursday 24 October at 2.00 - 3.30pm  at Mt Albert Main Library training room (B110)
Friday 25 October at 10:00 - 11:30am at Waitakere Library (room to be advised)
Wednesday 13 November at 10.30am-12.00pm at Mt Albert Main Library training room (B110)

To book your place - please email:  infolit@unitec.ac.nz

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Borrowing between Unitec and MIT libraries

Unitec and MIT Libraries are pleased to announce that staff and students can now enjoy borrowing privileges at each others' libraries. This means that you can use your Unitec student (or staff) ID card at MIT library.

You will need to fill out a form first available here or at MIT when you go there. 
You will be allowed to borrow books and other items from their library and they do need to be returned to the MIT library.
This access is only to each library's physical collections, ie not their electronic collections.

For more detailed information on this pilot, please see http://library.unitec.ac.nz/services/unitec-and-mit.htm.
Feedback or questions may be sent to library@unitec.ac.nz or ask at any branch of the Library.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Use self-check at the Main Library & be in to win

Use the self-check machine at the Main Library between now and the 16th October, put your printed date slip into the box and be in to win one of two $30 Westfield vouchers.

Give your research global reach

Raise your skinny hands like antennas to heaven, 2006, by Sheldon Wood.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic.
If you are a Unitec staff member and you want your research to 'go global' send your articles to the Research Bank Administrator now .... cmckissack@unitec.ac.nz

If you are a student or a staff member and want to search Unitec's amazing research output head to the Research Bank now ..... hundreds of full--text articles await you!