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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

System alert: Outage to LibrarySearch login on 24 April

LibrarySearch login will be unavailable on Thursday 24th April from 5.30pm to 11.00pm.
During this outage:
  • Library users will not able to access their correct library account online via their LibrarySearch login. This means they will not be able to see a list of their loans or renew or request online, or see their favourited library records.
  •  Also the Library TXT notices service will not work during the outage.
Please note it may appear that users are logged in but they will not be logged in correctly unless their full name displays in the top right hand corner of LibrarySearch. 
This outage is because IMS system engineers will be carrying out PeopleSoft database maintenance on Thursday 24th April from 5.30pm to 11.00pm.
During this period as well as the Library login the following other systems will be unavailable:
Login to the MyUnitec Portal for both staff and students and all services accessed via the portal
ALL Peoplesoft Environments (CS. HCM. FMS, CRM)
GroupWise External Access (via Portal)  although GroupWise is available via  http://webmail.unitec.ac.nz
Docushare - policies and procedures
Password management
My Files
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the IMS Help Desk on Tel 0800 275 467
+64 9 815 4321
8484 or email imssupport@unitec.ac.nz

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Opening hours for ANZAC Day 2014 and the following weekend

For Anzac Day and the following weekend, the Unitec libraries and computer labs will be open at times different from their regular hours. Check the details below or see the library hours page.

Mid-Semester Break - week 1
23 April
24 April
25 April
26 April
27 April
Main Library
Mt Albert
 8am - 9pm   8am - 9pm  Closed  9am - 4.30pm   9am - 4.30pm 
Student Computer
 9am - 4.30pm   9am - 4.30pm  Closed Closed Closed
Building 1 Library
Mt Albert
 8.30am - 8pm   8.30am - 8pm  Closed  9am - 4.30pm  Closed
 Waitakere Library  8am - 8pm   8am - 8pm  Closed  10am - 4pm   10am - 4pm 
Te Puna Ora
O Waitakere
 8am - 8pm   8am - 8pm   Closed   Closed   Closed 
Northern Campus
Library and
Learning Centre
 8.30am - 4.30pm   8.30am - 4.30pm   Closed   Closed   Closed