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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Problem with online forms

We are currently experiencing a problem with receiving Library forms filled in online.  This has occurred since midday Wednesday 15 April.

If you need to complete an online library form, please send your request directly to the following email addresses.

Distance students: distance@unitec.ac.nz

Interloans: interloans@unitec.ac.nz

Course reading lists and other general inquires:  library@unitec.ac.nz

If you have sent a form in the last 2 days, please send an email to the appropriate email address above to ask for confirmation of its receipt.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Is your preferred email address up to date?

Email is the preferred method of communication by the Library to Unitec Students. We email an account summary every month to the email address you ticked as 'preferred' in your MyUnitec Self-service record. Some students are missing out because their email address is wrong. To update your email address please follow these steps:
  1. Go to MyUnitec portal
  2. Login using the LOGIN button on top right
  3. select 'Student Self Service' on the left menu
  4. scroll down to ‘Personal Information’ and click the ‘Campus Email’ link.
  5. Check the email addresses listed are correct and tick the one you wish us to use
Please contact AskIMS if you have any questions.

Free Library Txt Notices service

Would you like to know when the library books that you have requested are ready to be picked up?

Or would you like to get reminder when your library books are due back?

We can send notices like these to you by text message. All you have to do is register your mobile number. It's free, easy and convenient.

Find out how to register now!

Note: We have changed way you register due to a system upgrade late last year. Even if you registered in the past please check you are still registered.

Get eTV now - free!

eTV is an online resource provided for you by the Library. Through eTV, all Unitec students and staff can watch programmes recorded from local and international television channels.

About 25,000 programmes and TV series recorded from over 45 domestic and international television channels are available for viewing any time on eTV.

Find out how to register for eTV

See our eTV Guide

Anzac weekend hours: 25 - 27 April

Over Anzac weekend the Unitec libraries will be open at times different from their regular hours. Check the details below or see the library hours page.

Anzac Day
25 April 

26 April
27 April
Main Hub Library
(Mt Albert)
Closed 9am - 4.30pm  9am - 4.30pm
The Hub Commons
(Mt Albert)
Closed 9am - 4.30pm 9am - 4.30pm
Building 1 Library
(Mt Albert)
Closed Closed Closed
Waitakere Library
Closed 10am - 4pm Closed
Waitakere Te Puna Ora
Closed Closed Closed
Northern Campus Library
Closed Closed Closed