We need your opinion on the new Databases A-Z prototype!
This will be hosted on a new platform (Libguides) from July 6th, but we would like you to help us to test it first.
We are decommissioning the old platform (Metalib) because it is too slow. It does not return enough results, and it needs a clunky server. But, it has a useful
Databases A-Z feature. We know our users like this feature and that is why we’ve been working on developing a new Databases A-Z using the cloud based LibGuides application.
Next steps
Please give us your feedback on the new Databases A-Z before it goes live!
Here it is:
http://unitec.beta.libguides.com/az.php .
Send your feedback to:
libadmin@unitec.ac.nz by
Friday 3 July 2015 [ note originally feedback was due on 26th June but we have extended time for feedback until 3 July]
If you wish to compare it to the
current Databases A-Z use
this link to access the old MetaLib.
In summary:
- Library Databases searching via MetaLib will be decommissioned on Monday 6 July
- Library Databases searching will be provided by Articles-Express and a new Databases A-Z.
Background information and slightly more technical details
We have a new Library management system (Alma), and an upgraded version of the search function LibrarySearch (Primo). These core library systems are now hosted on the cloud so we no longer have to maintain production and test servers for these systems.
Metalib is now the only locally hosted Library system. You may use this as the
Databases A-Z function. We’ve reviewed MetaLib and decided that it no longer provides sufficient benefit to warrant continuing its maintenance and support.
So… we are decommissioning MetaLib from Monday 6 July.
Metalib allows
federated searching across several databases at once. However, it’s search functionality is very slow and our recently upgraded ‘
Articles-Express’ does much better.
Benefits of Articles-Express:
- Returns search results much faster than Metalib.
- Returns all results for which we have full-text access whereas MetaLib does not.
- No need to login before searching whereas MetaLib requires login.
- No server required whereas MetaLib requires a server. The current MetaLib server is 6 years old and frequently needs attention to load updates, patches or improve disc space.