UPDATE 18.11.21: Due to the Covid lockdown, the PASA library is now closed.
Please return all your library items to Te Puna.
There are two after-hours library return boxes at Te Puna B180 doors - opposite Copy Centre and by Breaktime opposite B183.
Any items that have been withdrawn from the collection will be made available to students and staff when the campus re-opens.
The library resources will relocate from Monday 29 November 2021 to Te Puna Library B180. These resources should be available to staff and students to access from mid-December.
If you want to access library items for your research and information needs, contact your Subject Librarian (PASA) – Sana Saleem email: ssaleem@unitec.ac.nz or visit the PASA subject guide for more info.
All resources remain searchable through the Library website.
Some useful guides for staff and students:
- how to request library items
- borrowing and renewing limits.
Please contact Anna Wheeler (Manager Resources, Library and Information) email: awheeler@unitec.ac.nz for any queries about the move of library resources.