On the spine of each book, there is a "Not for Loan" sticker by the Dewey call number.
These books must remain in the library so that ākonga (students) and kaimahi (staff) can rely upon their being available.
These books must remain in the library so that ākonga (students) and kaimahi (staff) can rely upon their being available.
A large collection of architecture books is labeled "Not for Loan." The Subject Librarian has placed them behind the display shelf on Level 2 as a mini 'Architecture Not for Loan' collection. As well as "Not for Loan" on the spine, the word "Architecture" is above the sticker. Further signage is still to come.
Please see the Ask Me desk if you need help locating a Not for Loan item.
Please see the Ask Me desk if you need help locating a Not for Loan item.