- Some of the older seldom used books on Levels 1-3 were moved to our storage room in the basement of B180.
- About a third of the books on level 2 moved to to level 1
- About half of the books on level 3 moved to level 2
- Shelves on level 3 were converted from 118cm high shelves to 134cm high shelves
- Moving the books on level 3 into their correct location on that level
- Removing some empty shelves on level 2 so we have 3 shelves in a bay rather than 4 so we can fit taller books
The reason for these changes is to prepare space for other library
resources which are coming to Te Puna at the end of this year. It is planned that the empty shelves on level 2 and 3 will eventually house books for Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Design. The empty shelves on level 1 will mainly house journals for Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Design.
All resources remain accessible and searchable through the Library’s catalogue. If you wish to access items in our storage area please talk to our Library Customer Service/Ask Me team (phone 0800 10 75 10) or login to LibrarySearch and request the item by following the steps here: https://guides.unitec.ac.nz/librarysearchhelp/requestbooks
Please contact Anna Wheeler (Manager, Customer Service and
Resources) if you have any questions about the move of library